Linguistics 696g
Computational Semantics and Pragmatics
original syllabus
Homework #1
Code file from Jan. 18
Simplified/annotated Battleship code
Annotated English syntax
One answer to the Yawelmani problem
Type definitions for a very simple version of propositional logic
(This is meant to show: 1. We can stay faithful to traditional conjunction/disjunction if we want; and 2. We can display/show things in a more traditional forma as well.)
Homework #2
simple "do"-block example
Annotated Inference code
A sample knowledge database
A contradictory knowledge database
Inference engine slides
Tweaked parsing module
(hides conflicting imports from the Prelude)
Tweaked and annotated code from parsing module
(only includes a subset of code up through 9.5)
bridge bidding code
bridge bidding code without randomization
what/qw/swb code
Cues and probabilities handout
Tweaked Wordnet package for Haskell
IMDB data with Haskell
IMDB data with Python
IQAP data with Haskell
IQAP data with Python
SWDA data with Haskell
SWDA data with Python
SWDA data with R
Wordnet with Haskell
Wordnet with Python
R code for investigating IQAP corpus (March 29)
Abstract guidelines
Good-Turing code in R
sample input file for Good-Turing code
Playing with SWDA in R again
Readings and resources:
Papers and corpora
(passworded for folks attending the course only.)
Stanford parser
Download NLTK corpus files directly
to subredditsimulator that Jack cited in class (3/8/17)
Church implemented in javascript
Church playspace online
Website for the text
The Haskell Platform
Some evaluations of different text editors. Note that there are plenty of very good free ones here!
Chris Potts'
on computational pragmatics
course Mike taught on Haskell
in 2009; some of the handouts have useful basic Haskell stuff.
Course by Greg Scontras and Michael Tessler on
Composition in Probabilistic Language Understanding
Mike Hammond & Robert Henderson