Linguistics 514
Formal Foundations of Phonological Theory II
Updated syllabus
Original syllabus
Overview handout
Homework #1
Old handout on Tibetan
(This is
a homework assignment for this class.)
Squib #1 guidelines
Lardil handout
OT-help 2-constraint xlsx file
OT-help 2-constraint txt file
OT-help 3-constraint xlsx file
OT-help 3-constraint txt file
OT-help tradeoff xlsx file
OT-help tradeoff txt file
R basics handout
Correspondence handout
Presentation guidelines
Inputting and analyzing date in R
(Knitr source for ho5.pdf)
(Makefile for ho5.pdf)
Homework #2
Input optimization and R
(Knitr source for ho6.pdf)
(Makefile for ho6.pdf)
(getX2.R scripot for ho6.pdf)
Squib #2 guidelines
Demo R script for Czech corpus file
Stochastic OT & Harmonic OT
R script for Stochastic OT
R script for Harmonic OT
Lango in HG
R script for double trade-off in Harmonic OT
Maxent ranking by hand
Maxent grammars in R
Sample input data for the above
Sample input data for the above formatted for the MaxentGrammarTool
Welsh feature file for Phonotactic Learner
Welsh learning data for Phonotactic Learner
Welsh test data for Phonotactic Learner
Maxent and meter
Cywydd scanned lines
Cywydd features
Cywydd learning data
Cywydd projections
Cywydd testing data
"Onsets" practice script
Readings and corpora
(for enrolled students only)
OT-Help 2.0
Maxent grammar tool
Phonotactic learner
Newdic dictionary file
Mike Hammond