Linguistics 408/508
Fall 2003

Handout 23


Scheduling so far

Presentation Guidelines

  1. Assume you have 10 minutes total for presentation and questions.
  2. The point of the presentation is to get maximum feedback on the program you are working on for your final project.
  3. You can demo your work up to this point, you can put a copy of it on the shared drive so everybody can play with it, you can give people the URL if it's running over the web.
  4. Don't worry if your program isn't running properly yet. This is a graded effort, but your grade will be based on the clarity of your presentation and how efficiently you get whatever feedback you need, not on whether you're done yet.
  5. Remember that you should come with multiple copies of your work; at the beginning of class, we will all simultaneously copy our programs to the shared drive so that you can reach them from the instructor workstation or so that class members can run them (if you prefer).