Final project

Write a program that does something linguistic that is useful for you. For example, you might want to write a program that collects some bit of data for you for a paper for one of your other classes, your prelim, your dissertation. You might want to write a program that can collect some bit of linguistic data that you are just curious about.

You can also write a program that does some bit of theoretical modeling, e.g. phrase-structure rules, Optimality Theory, Minimalism, Distributed Morphology, whatever. This is a trickier domain through.

  1. This is due Dec. 11 by 2:00.
  2. I'm looking for a scope of about 100 lines of code (but I'm prepared to be flexible on this).
  3. You must clear your project with me in advance.
  4. Your code should be carefully commented. These comments should include a statement of what your program actually does.
  5. Please submit your project electronically using the form below. Don't forget to click the "Submit" button to actually turn in the project!
Your name:
Your email address:
Paste your assignment here.